Wednesday 21 May 2014

Progress Update. One group's question: How can we change the perception of computer science and IT to encourage more girls to choose this subject for further study?

How can we change the perception of computer science and IT to encourage more girls to choose this subject for further study?

 We felt this was a very current and topical question as out of a number of students taking GCSE computing, we only have a minority of girls.

We narrowed down our research by selecting girls with high and average CAT scores and questioning them regarding their interest in computer science.

We planned a questionnaire to assess their current thinking and experiences. Next we discussed teacher observations and students’ outputs.

Through our investigation into papers written on this topic and our contact with CAS – Computing at School we made contact with Dr Pau who has been working on girls' views and attitudes to computing.

In light of this and the ways in which attitudes could change, we held an intervention which gave the girls exposure to different forms of technology (i.e. Lego Mindstorm). As well as this, Dr Pau agreed to visit our school and the girls.

The girls responded positively to this and we felt that this style of learning would be a benefit to the girls moving forward.

We have had several conversations with the girls regarding attitudes to computing and engineering, generally boy-heavy areas of study, and overwhelmingly views are changing as our intake for next year’s GCSE shows.

Following this the girls were invited to a  free event, planned for International Women's Day at the University of Southampton. It took place on the 7th March from 10am – 4pm, and was a  day of interactive events for female students. The event included sessions that gave: 

•    A chance to explore Lego Mindstorms
•    A glimpse into Nanotechnology
•    An activity based on Optoelectronics with light waves. 

Three key professors introduced the event: Professor Dame Wendy Hall (Dean of Faculty), Professor Neil White (Head of ECS) and Professor Michael Butler (Head of Athena Swan in ECS). 

We could now have a deal for some Lego Mindstorms for the school, future inspirational speakers and workshops for the girls through

(Written by Sangita)